Bird Emojis
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The bird emojis category features a mix of farmyard fowl 🐓 alongside avian wildlife 🕊. Birds in general are a good way to describe heights - but they can also be used to describe someone who talks too much i.e squawking like a parrot. The penguin emoji is particularly good at indicating cold weather or for someone who is being rather slow. Yes, birds are a versatile tool in your emoji tool box - and they're great to tweet with as well 🐥.
- 🦃 turkey emoji meaning
- 🐔 chicken emoji meaning
- 🐓 rooster emoji meaning
- 🐣 hatching chick emoji meaning
- 🐤 baby chick emoji meaning
- 🐥 front-facing baby chick emoji meaning
- 🐦 bird emoji meaning
- 🐧 penguin emoji meaning
- 🕊 dove emoji meaning
- 🦅 eagle emoji meaning
- 🦆 duck emoji meaning
- 🦢 ⊛ swan emoji meaning
- 🦉 owl emoji meaning
- 🦚 ⊛ peacock emoji meaning
- 🦜 ⊛ parrot emoji meaning
Top Animals Emojis
- 😺 grinning cat face emoji
- 😸 grinning cat face with smiling eyes emoji
- 😹 cat face with tears of joy emoji
- 😻 smiling cat face with heart-eyes emoji
- 😼 cat face with wry smile emoji
- 😽 kissing cat face emoji
- 🙀 weary cat face emoji
- 😿 crying cat face emoji
- 😾 pouting cat face emoji
- 🙈 see-no-evil monkey emoji