Reptile Emojis
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Reptile emojis has to be one of the most kick ass emoji categories out there. Why? Dragons friend - big fire breathing dragon emojis. On the less fantastical side, we have other scaly creatures like the crocodile emoji 🐊 (use it to describe a snappy person) or the turtle emoji 🐢 (when someone is particularly shy). Sure, these creatures may be cold blooded, but you can certainly create some heated conversations with them!
Top Animals Emojis
- 😺 grinning cat face emoji
- 😸 grinning cat face with smiling eyes emoji
- 😹 cat face with tears of joy emoji
- 😻 smiling cat face with heart-eyes emoji
- 😼 cat face with wry smile emoji
- 😽 kissing cat face emoji
- 🙀 weary cat face emoji
- 😿 crying cat face emoji
- 😾 pouting cat face emoji
- 🙈 see-no-evil monkey emoji