πŸ˜‹ face savoring food emoji meaning

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A face featuring arching emoji eyes, a big smiling mouth and a tongue sticking out. This emoji can be used to demonstrate that you find something delicious or if you are trying to portray a goofy kind of happiness. The face is also referred to as Hungry Face or Goofy Face.

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How to use face savoring food emoji

If you’re reacting to food pictures on your favourite social media sites, then this is the only emoji you will need. This is practically the emoticon version of saying yummy or delicious. Let’s say that your friend posts a pic of a particularly delicious cake they have just made. A simple Hungry Face will adequately show your desire for this confection - and may even result in an invitation to try some.

The Face Savoring Food is great for all your culinary messaging - but it’s equally great for showing happiness too. Let’s take your friend’s delicious cake, you could combine happiness with hunger and message something like: That looks tasty! Can I have some πŸ˜‹

History of the πŸ˜‹ emoji

The Face Savoring Food was first published in the Emoji Version 1.0 update, a popular update which brought many classic emoji types to the world of messaging including Smiling Face with Sunglasses and Winking Face.

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