😱 face screaming in fear emoji meaning

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A horrified face with wide terrified eyes and a large screaming mouth; hand are clasped on both sides of the cheeks. Commonly known as the Scream Face or the Screaming Face. Often depicted with part of the face blue, similar to the Anxious Face with Sweat.

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How to use face screaming in fear emoji

Think of any horror movie you may have watched; there’s always that scene where someone walks into a room and they have discovered a grisly murder. There face and eventual scream mirrors this face perfectly. This is the emoji equivalent of utter shock and terror, a face that has witnessed true fear. Therefore it can be used in two ways; firstly, as a way to highlight your fear and secondly as a reaction to a really shocking piece of news. The emoji can also be used to react to news and to portray a sense of shock and horror. Let’s say that in your town there is this amazing pizza place that do these legendary next level calzones. You hear from a friend that you will never be able to eat these calzones again because the place has suddenly and inexplicably closed down. A perfect response would be something like: WTF 😱

History of the 😱 emoji

The Face Screaming in Fear was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 and eventually added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. The face joined the likes of Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes and Face Blowing A Kiss.

Also known as
Home Alone
Screaming Face

How 😱 is displayed online

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