😷 face with medical mask emoji meaning

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A face with closed eyes and a surgical mask covering the mouth - can indicate illness, working in a hospital setting or working with dangerous gases. Could also be inspired by the trend in some countries to wear masks over the mouth to avoid the spread of infectious diseases. Certain platforms represent this face with a bead of sweat on the forehead, implying that the actual face is sick.

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How to use face with medical mask emoji

For everyday people who aren’t in medicine or working with fumes, this emoji can be used in one of two ways; you can either use it to suggest that you are sick or to suggest that someone else is sick. Let’s say you have caught a cold and are currently holed up in bed with a nice bowl of chicken soup - your friend asks you to come out. You could say: Not today dude - not feeling well at all 😷 Alternatively, you could use the face to respond to someone who is sick - but you may want to use this with caution and only for trivial sicknesses. For example, your friend has caught a cold but you were planning to go out that night. Obviously, you don’t want to get sick - so you could message: Dude stay in and get better! I don’t want to catch it anyway 😷

History of the 😷 emoji

Approved as part of Unicode 6.0, this face was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015; it joined popular faces like Beaming Face, Confounded Face and Smirking Face.

Also known as
Bird Flu
Mask Face
Surgical Mask

How 😷 is displayed online

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