🤬 face with symbols on mouth emoji meaning

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An angry face with grawlixes covering the mouth, imitating that the face is swearing or cursing. Remove the grawlix at your peril, as we’re sure whatever this face is saying isn’t very pleasant. Commonly known as the Cursing Face or the Swearing Face. Virtually identical to Angry Face in expression.

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How to use face with symbols on mouth emoji

We have all had that moment where a situation is so anger inducing that you let out a swear word go or practically burst out with a barrage of cursing. This emoji is the perfect representation of this feeling and is often considered to be the ultimate anger emoji. In heated situations, this emoji is therefore perfect to show just how mad you are. Let’s say you are playing a video game and you lose to a rather dirty and cheap tactic by one of the rival players. You might be tempted to describe this incident with a range of colourful swearing or summarise the experience with the face alone. While there is no defined etiquette with the face, it is recommended to give the emoji some context for the sake of recipients and to clarify your meaning. You wouldn’t want your friends thinking that you are cursing at them now would you?

History of the 🤬 emoji

A relatively new emoji to join the scene, the Face with Symbols on Mouth was approved as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017 and added to Emoji 5.0 in the very same year.

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How 🤬 is displayed online

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