😚 kissing face with closed eyes emoji meaning

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A kissing face with closed eyes and slightly blushed cheeks - one of the most intimate of all the kissing emojis. It is similar to Kissing Face with Smiling eyes minus the addition of the flushed cheeks and the much more tightly closed eyes.

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How to use kissing face with closed eyes emoji

Out of all the kissing emojis, the Kissing Face with Closed Eyes is by far the most intimate and is ideal for trying to show a partner love or affection. One of the most common techniques with this face is to chain other love related emojis to form to express more emotion.

History of the 😚 emoji

Many of the most popular romantic emojis were added as part of Unicode 6.0 and added to Emoji 1.0.

Also known as
Kiss Face
Kissy Face

How 😚 is displayed online

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