πŸ˜™ kissing face with smiling eyes emoji meaning

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A face with puckered up lips and closed eyes as if indulging in an intimate kiss. Closely related to the Kissing Face emoji with the exception of the eyes, which are arched in a traditional emoticon style. This emoji can be used to show affection, romanticism or as an innocent gesture.

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How to use kissing face with smiling eyes emoji

Due to the closed eyes which resemble more intimate kissing scenarios, this emoji works well for showing affection in a romantic or platonic scenario. More often than not, other words are not needed to accompany the face - the emoji alone should get the message across. Another popular use for this emoji is to pair it with a musical note for a more innocent, β€œit wasn’t me” type of expression. Let’s say you have a roommate; this roommate is particularly fond of custard creams. But you just happen to eat the last one from his personal packet. He comes home, distraught that his beloved biscuit has been consumed. If he accuses you (and you don’t mind basically confirming your guilt) you can respond: Nope not me πŸ˜™ 🎡

History of the πŸ˜™ emoji

The emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and later added to Emoji Version 1.0 with popular emojis like CWL face.

Also known as
Kiss Face

How 😙 is displayed online

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