πŸ’» laptop computer emoji meaning

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A πŸ’» Laptop Computer or a notebook computer or just notebook, is a small, portable personal computer having, typically, a thin LCD or LED computer screen mounted on the inside of the upper lid and an alphanumeric keyboard on the inside of the lower lid. Some platforms display this as a desktop computer with a mouse. The Apple emoji is an Macbook while the Google and Microsoft laptop emojis are generic laptops.

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How to use laptop computer emoji

History of the πŸ’» emoji

Laptop Computer was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 under the name β€œPersonal Computer” and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Also known as

How 💻 is displayed online

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  • One
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2/5 πŸ€”
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