πŸ™‹ person raising hand emoji meaning

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A person raising a hand as if asking a question or trying to draw attention. While the emoji is displayed as a woman, the description of the symbol remains non specific. The emoji is also displayed with the iconic purple jumper popularised by Person Shrugging and Person Tipping Hand.

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How to use person raising hand emoji

Think back to school a moment; you’re sitting there daydreaming about hometime and all of a sudden the teacher opens up the discussion to the classroom. Suddenly a whole wave of hands shoot up with confused students questioning what exactly it was they were supposed to be learning. The Person Raising Hand emoji is a pretty good representation of this; say your friend has described a night out but left out some important information. In this instance you could message: πŸ™‹ how do we get there exactly? You could also use this on the emoji on the other end of the spectrum and use the symbol when answering questions, but this is an extremely rare usage. The Happy Person Raising One Hand emoji (the official Unicode name for the symbol) can also be used to indicate eagerness or agreement. Think back once again to your childhood; if the words β€œwho wants ice cream” were ever spoke, then you would practically almost dislocate your arm trying to demonstrate your eagerness.

History of the πŸ™‹ emoji

Approved as part of Unicode 6.0, the Person Raising Hand emoji was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Also known as
Answering Question
Hand Up

How 🙋 is displayed online

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