🏳️‍🌈 Rainbow Flag Emoji emoji meaning

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A colourful rainbow flag emoji featuring six colours, commonly used to represent the LGBT movement. Also known as the pride flag emoji, some platform versions of the flag show a pole attached.

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How to use Rainbow Flag Emoji emoji

Supporters of the LGBT movement can proudly use the pride flag emoji to promote sexuality during Gay Pride Month which falls in June. Simply suffixing a message with a flag or several is enough to show your support for the movement. 

Due to the flags colourful nature, you could also use the rainbow flag emoji to represent a party or an event which features lots of colour and activity. Carnival for example might be a good option for some rainbow flag action.

You could even use the pride flag for colourful art projects or to suggest that someone needs to add a bit of colour to their wardrobe, like that one friend who inexplicably dresses like a goth metal star.

History of the 🏳️‍🌈 emoji

Rainbow Flag was approved in Unicode 9.0; an update which also included the clown face emoji, the drooling face and the black heart emoji. These emoji were eventually added to Emoji 4.0 in 2016.


Also known as

How 🏳️‍🌈 is displayed online

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