πŸ™ slightly frowning face emoji meaning

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A downtrodden face, with a slight frown and an unhappy mouth. Could be easily confused for the Frowning Face, but doesn’t share the same unhappy mouth. The eyes are neutral and mimic the eyes of the Expressionless face. Also known as the Slightly Sad Emoji.

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How to use slightly frowning face emoji

You ever woke up late for work and then stubbed your toe on a bedside table after getting out of bed? This is very likely the face you would be pulling once the agonising pain has quelled. It’s the kind of face you would use whilst messaging your friend trying to describe the ordeal. The face can also be used to indicate disagreement in a sad, almost yielding kind of way. Let’s say your friend suggests lunch but the choice of food is something you’re not too fond of. You could say: I’ll go but you know me and raw fish πŸ™ This could cause your friend to potentially back track on the suggestion - and that means no raw fish for you!

History of the πŸ™ emoji

Added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015, this face was originally approved in Unicode 7.0. This version of Unicode included many interesting additions including Detective, Middle Finger and Hot Pepper.

Also known as
Slightly Sad

How 🙁 is displayed online

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Emoji Rater πŸ•΅πŸ»

2/5 πŸ€”
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