🙊 speak-no-evil monkey emoji meaning

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A cute monkey covering the mouth with their hands. One part of the three wise monkey emojis which collectively embody the old proverb:"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". This monkey is referred to as Iwazaru. The speak no evil emoji is sometimes used to indicate no speaking.

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How to use speak-no-evil monkey emoji

This emoji is rarely used in the context of the proverb it is based on; instead, it is most commonly used as an innocent way of saying “I shouldn’t have said that”. Let’s say you are chatting to friends and you happen to divulge a piece of confidential information. An appropriate response would read something like: 🙊 don’t say anything! Speaking of confidentiality, the speak no evil monkey can also be used to indicate that you will keep a secret; when used in this, it’s almost as if you are saying my lips are sealed. Let’s say you're talking to a friend who reveals someone they are crushing over. Your friend swears you to secrecy and you want to reassure them that no cats will be let out of any bags. In this instance, you could message: 🙊 won’t say a word!

History of the 🙊 emoji

The Speak No Evil Monkey emoji was added in Emoji 1.0 and was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

Also known as
Monkey Covering Mouth
No Speaking

How 🙊 is displayed online

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